What is the most incredible miracle that you have personally witnessed?

What is the most incredible miracle that you have personally witnessed?

Rev. Phil Edwards

First Assembly of God

“A Bonafide Miracle!”

In 1996, four doctors said my 60 year-old mother had 3 months to live — with cirrhosis of the liver in its final stages. She rededicated her life to Christ, and moved into my house.

The fourth doctor, Eugene Evans, in Panama City, told me, “The liver doesn’t regenerate. I suggest: make her as comfortable as possible; pray she dies in her sleep.”

At home, I desperately cried, “Lord, I don’t know how to pray, as you said (Rom. 8:26). I accept your will, but tell me what it IS. Will you heal her HERE, or in HEAVEN? I’m asking for a clear answer EITHER WAY.”

Soon after, when no one was home but Mom and me, I was paying her bills. Suddenly, audibly, very clearly, I heard a voice behind me. It said, “I will heal your mother.” I turned to see if someone was there, but there wasn’t.

A few nights later, Mom and I were praying together, and the words of Proverbs 18:21 and John 6:63 rose in my heart. As I prayed in His name, life-giving words from Jesus poured into her body. She said she felt God healing her.

After that, at each visit to Dr. Evans, he called for a second blood test to confirm his findings – she’s improving! Three months later, he said, “In all my years of medicine, I have NEVER seen anyone recover from cirrhosis of the liver in the final stage like this. Her liver is functioning normally. You have a bonafide miracle here!”

Mom volunteers at the hospital, and shares about Jesus’ healing power with anyone needing a miracle.

April 20, 2019No comments

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