We hear the phrase the miracle of life but also there is the miracle of death. I can’t explain how life begins and it is just as much a mystery to me how the physical death occurs. The hand of God is in both. As a kidney specialist who takes care of dialysis patients, and lots of mostly elderly people who have chronic kidney failure plus multiple other medical illnesses, I have witnessed many of my patients die over the course of my 26 years of practice; saved and unsaved. I will never forget to my dismay the man who was dying from liver failure after a lifetime of alcoholism who when I asked him what would happen to him once he died, he replied to me he would be reincarnated! He told me he sat on the second pew of his church for 40 years!
Daily I am reminded that one day I will be the helpless one who needs attention but please I pray that there will still be a kind Christian MD who will do the most important part of his busy rushed day and pray for me!
“The person who is born once (the unsaved) experiences two deaths (physical and spiritual), but the person who is born twice (born again!) experiences one death.
I know that in all illness, all healing only comes from God the Father. Man cannot so much as heal a paper cut without the gift of life! But we must remember that even Lazarus was healed only to die another physical death later. The miracle of God is the instantaneous healing of our soul for eternity the moment He saves us! And what gift is more important than the gift of eternal life? And why does he save us? This is the mystery which for which there is only one answer..He loves us because He loves us because He loves us! For God so loved us that He gave His only Son. That whoever believes in Him shall NOT DIE BUT LIVE FOREVER!