I have been in awe of the Lord all my life and have many God stories. The one I’ll share here is when I felt the Lord leading me to start my own lawn and landscape business.
I had a good job with good pay and good benefits, so I was much in prayer about the change. But still feeling the Lord direct me to turn in a two weeks notice at the company. This was about fifteen years ago and I didn’t even own a cell phone. So first thing was to get a cell phone. I was still working my 2 weeks notice. One day as I got off work early I went to a local lawn equipment business to look at getting started. When my new cell phone rang. It was a nice man who asked for Eddie Pitts and needed me to come take care of his lawn. When I got to his house he showed me a flyer that he received at the hospital where he worked for a lady. The flyer wasn’t mine. It had a name on it the lady wrote Eddie Bitts and the phone number was one number different from mine. I was really needing conformation from the Lord that I was going in the right direction. I had not told anyone that I was going into lawn care so, needless to say, getting this call with one number off, from someone who was looking for lawn care from a guy who’s name was Eddie Bitts not Pitts , but one letter off, was some pretty good confirmation from the Lord that I was going in the right direction.