In my opening statement I would like to ask the following questions, could it be that the old is past and the new has arrived? Has the calendar itself, turned the page into the new millennium where it seems that nothing is wrong? Have we lost sight of the message of the cross and the price that Jesus paid for our sins? These are questions that I believe that need to be answered truthfully, through the word of God. Paul said that we the children of God should come out from among the world and be a separate people and touch not any unclean thing.
But in reality, it’s very hard to determine the difference between the world and the church today because of the lack of separation. And the reason is conviction. Knowing what to do, why to do it, and how to do it is worthless if you don’t have convictions. Jesus’ lived his life under total conviction doing the will of his father. He completely separated himself from the world. John said, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the father, but is of the world”.
When John makes reference to the word world, he’s not talking about the grass, the trees, the flowers, etc.… He’s talking about the world system that is under the complete control of Satan. When we as children of God excepted Jesus as our personal savior, according to the scripture, old things passed away and behold all things become new. What we once loved, we will now hate and what we once hated we will now love. There should be a difference in one’s life after excepting Jesus as their savior. Our talk should change, our walk should change, our actions should change, but sadly in today’s society you don’t see that change because we’ve lost our conviction.
Let me ask this question, if you can live any way you want, do anything you want, say anything you want and still be saved, then why did Jesus have to pay such an awful price at Calvary? The answer is, you can’t. There must be a separation from this world in the life of a child of God. You cannot mix the two together, a house divided cannot stand! Jesus said, you cannot put new wine in old vessels. So, let me encourage all of us today to stop, and take a good look at the church and ourselves and see if we measure up to the church that was in the book of Acts and see if the church is being added to daily, and if signs and wonders are following. Remember, Jesus is not coming back for anything less than he left.