So You Want to Commit Suicide

So You Want to Commit Suicide
Jeff Scalf

Jeff Scalf

Lead Pastor, St. Andrew Assembly of God

When the fear of giving up is overwhelmed by the stress and pain of the current, well, what do you do? When you feel closed off, boxed in and utterly alone. When you are talking to others, trying to cry out in the midst of your sentences but none are attuned to your pain, what do you do? When your soul and spirit are so vexed and weighted down, drowning in the blustery sea of your emotional despair, when every waking hour is filled with darkness of soul and your spirit entombed in pain of utter loneliness, what do you do? Hopelessness is all that rolls through your mind, your soul and your spirit, just hopelessness, what do you do? Surely all this will end if I just put an end to it. One slip of the blade, one pull of the trigger, one swallow of pills and the pain will end.

Regardless of what your theological persuasion is on the destination of one who commits suicide, lets look at some realities. To the person experiencing these emotions, it is absolutely real. No pat “Christianese” answer will pull one from such depths of despair nor will any pill you give them. No, they need real answers and real answers are found in the Bible and they need real loving friends.

King David was a realist. In several Psalms you see him crying out in despair, “God why have you forsaken me?!” Yet in the next breath he grounded himself in reality, “Why so downcast O my soul, put your hope in God.” So we too need to help those who are suicidal ground themselves in the reality that God is always there. The reality that others in the Bible experienced what they are facing and they made it through and so can they, IF they want to.

One reality that those who are in the throws of contemplating suicide rarely think of is this; suicide is the most selfish act you can ever do. Yes, you read right, suicide is the most selfish act you can ever do. Oh there are many vile selfish acts people can do but suicide is the most selfish. Suicide focuses all your attention on yourself. You assume, wrongly, that your death will affect no one and/or you fail to think through the consequences your selfish act will bring. Yes there maybe those in your life that distain you but there are people who indeed love you and your death will utterly break their hearts to the core. Nothing you leave in a suicide note will bring them any relief of your death. They will carry for life the unnecessary scars your suicide will bring.

The second reality of suicide is this; suicide is a permanent solution to something, which in the scope of life is really temporary. The emotional throws you are in are not permanent unless you choose to stay there.

To chat with a Christian about your suicidal thoughts go to

April 20, 2019No comments

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