The Bible is clear; there is a Hell. Yet, many Christians struggle with this reality because it seems unfair to them that every lost sinner must go to Hell for eternity regardless of the degree of their sin. Many Christians are helped to greater confidence in this Biblical doctrine when they learn that there are, in fact, degrees of punishment in Hell.
How do we know that this is true? We know because the God of the Bible is “a just God” (Is. 45:21). He rewards and punishes every man justly and fairly- “Every transgression and disobedience receive[s] a just recompense of reward (Heb. 2:2).” The reaping will be according to the sowing- “Whatever a man sows that he will also reap (Gal. 6:7).” Jesus was clear; some people will receive “greater condemnation” (Mark 12:40). The level of punishment in Hell is partly determined by the seriousness of an individual’s sins- “Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin (John 19:11).” The severity of our judgment will also be partly determined by the amount of Gospel light we had while here on earth. In Matt. 11:20-24, Jesus made it clear that it would be “more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment” than for Bethsaida and Chorazin because the latter cities had more Gospel revelation and yet still rejected Christ. Again, this is clearly seen in Jesus’ teaching in Luke 12:47 where some are “beaten with many stripes” and others are “beaten with few stripes.”
Be strengthened in your faith, Christian! Every person who goes to Hell will receive exactly the punishment they deserve.