I have had the privilege and honor to work with many Godly men in my life. One particular man that I became friends with was Henry Pulsifer. Henry was a missionary that preached the gospel as he walked with a cross.
The first trip that I made with Henry was to Bombay India (Mumbai) sharing the gospel with the untouchables in the slums.
The biggest slum that we visited had over 1 million people in an area of less than a square mile, the most populated in the world. What a contrast the poorest people in the world being touched by the Glory of God Himself –when they heard who we were, they flocked to have us pray for them.
The second trip that we made was to Tanzania, Africa not to soon after the bombing of the U.S. Embassy. We worked with a missionary that had been in Africa for over a year –Steve Grey. In Dar-as-Salem we each preached in a Church, gave a seminar for three days to teach pastors, and walked with a cross around the capital buildings as we prayed for the nation. After loading up a four-wheeler Jeep we went to the bush, to share the message of Jesus Christ to tribes that never had heard his name. After spending a week at four different villages along the Rufiji river one hundred and sixty people came to the LORD and many were baptized in the crocodile filled river.
The story of Gods work did not stop here but continued in the other side of the Africa continent, and many other countries. Being in the will of the LORD never has its ends but it is a continuous journey.
“We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus” Col.1:3,4a