How Long Is Eternity? (…and where will you spend it?)

How Long Is Eternity? (…and where will you spend it?)
How Long Is Eternity?

Have you ever wondered how long eternity is? Well, let me try to put it into perspective. Imagine that once every 10,000 years a small sparrow flies down from the North Pole to Panama City Beach. When he arrives, he picks one grain of sand off the beach and flies it back to the North Pole. After another 10,000 years, he returns down to Panama City Beach and picks up yet another grain of sand…and flies it back to the North Pole. So, how long is eternity? Well, when that little sparrow, who only comes once every 10,000 years for a single grain, when he has finished taking every single grain of sand off Panama City Beach… that represents less than one tenth of one second of time in eternity!

But The Good News Is…

You Can Accept Jesus
Right Here And Right Now

and spend eternity in Heaven with Him. Just say this simple prayer:


Dear Father,

I’m at the end of my rope! I’ve tried to live my way and I realize that I can’t go one more day without you in my life. I ask your forgiveness for my sins. I thank you and trust that you will forgive me…not because of anything I have done to deserve it, but because Jesus, who is God Himself, died for my imperfections. Father, I look forward to having a relationship with you and allowing you to be the Lord of my life. Please accept me as I am…but don’t let me stay this way. Guide me and change me to be like your Son. Amen.


Congratulations! If you prayed the above prayer with a sincere heart, you have just caused a celebration in heaven! Read what the Bible says about it in Luke, Chapter 15, Verse 7: “I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.”

March 9, 2022No comments

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