Is God real? How do we know He really exists? People have always asked this question, not just children or teenagers, but even adults. In the Bible even Moses asked the question to God, “Who are you? What do I tell people when they ask, “who are you God?” The answer he got was, “Tell them “I AM THAT I AM !” [EXODUS 3:14]. So even today this question is still asked. Besides what the Bible tells us and the historical evidence shows, there is one thought I would like to share with you, to give you something to think about. First, know we must come to God by faith, [Hebrews 11:6, “For he that comes to God must believe that He is.”] So let’s look at some very simple things created by God that we can see and KNOW that He is real. Each day we see the sun, the stars in the sky, the moon, this earth and all the beauty He created. But let’s look at something we cannot see. How many people have ever seen the wind? We see the results of the wind, but have never actually seen the wind ! We believe in the wind because we see the trees blowing, the flag waving, the bird being pushed through the air, all by the wind that is there, but cannot be seen. We can also know that we have not seen God, but just as the wind is real, He is real also. We want to see before we believe, but Jesus tells us “Blessed are those that have not seen but yet believe.” (John 20:29). The next time you look and see the trees moving from the wind, remember you cannot see the wind, but yet you believe. God is just as real as the wind. By faith you can believe in God and know He is REAL !!!
If a child were to ask you the following question: “How do you know God is real?” what would your answer be?
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