George A. Stewart

307 Bream Pond Road, Panama City, Florida 32409, United States
George A. Stewart
Listing Type : Contractor
Name : George A. Stewart
Address : 307 Bream Pond Rd., Panama City, FL 32409
Phone : 850-832-0911
Business Description : We build all sizes of homes from small rental units to whatever size and look that you can imagine.
Personal Comment : Our business and lives are charted by The Lord, there are plenty of businesses that will do things cheaper but not many that will always do the right thing. If you are going to hire another electrician other than us we would ask you to consider our Christian brothers at Mashburn Electric or Telford Reynolds Electric. We have faith in the future that our Lord has already planned. Heb 11:1-2 “ 1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for.”

“I would say that George is a very honest man but I would also say that he is a very generous man…he’s actually made a big impact on my life personally…he’s a sub-contractor of mine…but he was a friend of mine before that…witnessing his work ethic, his generosity and love for the Lord has made a big impact on my life. If I have a problem, I know I can call George and he will do everything in his power to get it resolved. It’s the nature of construction, if something is not going the way I need it to go, I can call George and it’s taken care of.”

Brian Baber, Arthur Rutenberg Homes

“George and his crew have always been responsive, if you have a problem they are quick to get there and they are thorough. We have a couple of real tricky issues we have presented them with and they did a really good job handling them…they’re just professionals. For instance, we live in an area that is prone to lightning strikes and we’ve had some real issues with phones lines, our well and cable. We built a new house and the grounding wire was not sufficient for all the electronics we had…and they were able to diagnose it and get to the bottom of it and thank the good Lord we haven’t had any more problems! I just can’t say enough good things about George and his company."

Guy Tunnell, Former Sheriff, Bay County

“He’s one of the most honest people I know…he actually cares, he wants to do the right thing. He never leaves any unfinished business, he always completes what he starts…and that’s a holistic approach for George, he’s pretty much that way in everything he does. I think he truly cares for me as an individual and by his example he also brings people to Christ.”

Bob Blake, Advanced Sign Solutions, Panama City, FL
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