Out of all the sins we Christians commit, in your opinion what sin do we commit the most, and why?

Out of all the sins we Christians commit, in your opinion what sin do we commit the most, and why?

Rev. Fr. Wesley Tetsuji Kan, Pastor

Redemption Lutheran Church

In the final analysis, there really is only one eternally soul damning sin, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, a shorthand way of saying refusal to repent and confess sin.  The only sin that the Lord cannot cover is the one that the sinner refuses to surrender unto Him through repentance and confession.

However, as to the enumerated individual sins, certainly the one everyone, Christians and unsaved alike, most often commit is violating the First Commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”  Anything and anyone that takes precedence over obedience to Christ is a god before Him.  That includes the obvious items:  wealth, power and sex, but also the less obvious:  self-esteem, family, fame, avoiding loss and suffering and spurning self-sacrifice that are not sins of themselves but become sin when placed before God.  In reality, every other sin is merely a variant manifestation of this sin.

The reason this sin persists is because it is the core sin of Satan, Adam and Eve, each of whom wanted to be like God.  Each of us is constantly saying to God, “my will not Thine be done,” the opposite of Christ’s prayer in Gethsemane.  Whether we admit it or not, the unholy trinity, Me, Myself and I, constantly seeks to regain sovereignty over the Christian’s soul.  Sanctification is truly nothing more than the “New Adam” that the Holy Spirit created in each Christian daily waging war against the “Old Adam” sin nature.

April 20, 2019No comments

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