The Miracle of Creation

The Miracle of Creation

Cory Colravy, Pastor

Covenant Presbyterian Church

Many are looking today for evidence of the supernatural. Consider this: you have about 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body, enough to circle the globe twice and then some. The surface area of your lungs is big enough to cover a tennis court. You have 600 muscles and 206 bones, movements all smoothly coordinated by your brain. Stanford professor Stephen Smith points out, “A single human brain has more [synapse] switches than all the computers and routers and Internet connections on Earth.” The human eye is a marvel, with more than 2 million working parts. And when sound enters your inner ear, it moves into liquid and the hair cells there discharge chemicals that carry messages to the brain’s auditory nerves. Psalm 139 says, I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Science speaks of two universal laws: the law of conservation and the law of decay. The first law reminds us that the total mass and energy going into something will remain the same, even if the form is changed. This means, therefore, that “something cannot come from nothing.” So our Milky Way Galaxy’s 100 billion stars and our Universe’s 200 billion galaxies didn’t create themselves. The second law reminds us that in this world there is always a loss in any process, such as a loss of heat or information. The usefulness of everything decreases over time. Simply put, this means that this world cannot be eternal or it would have “burned out” long ago. Psalm 19 says, The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork! Although the sovereign Lord does what He pleases, you may not ever see in this life an axe head float on water, the Red Sea part or a friend raised from the dead, but God’s supernatural works are all around you. To God be the glory!

April 20, 2019No comments

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