It is not by coincidence or chance this letter has found its way into your hands. It has found its way to you so that you can learn a truth that will change your life forever!
Like you, there was a time in my life when I was searching for truth, not what everyone around me said was “good” or right. I was starving for real truth. I had traveled around the world many times over. Along the way I had met very good people with some very good ideas. However, I needed something more than a “good idea.” I needed something that I could confidently base my life on. It had to be something real! Something big enough to settle once and for all in my heart and mind that there was more for me. I had to know “Is there more to life than this?” More than the daily grind, more than getting an education, a career, a family, a retirement. Was there more than simply waiting to die? I had to know! If that sounds like you, I am going to challenge you to do something bold! I am going to challenge you to put this page down and do something most people are afraid to do! Stop right now and simply pray this prayer privately: “God if you’re real, prove it!” Do what you need to do in my life to show me that you are who you say you are. It was a simple prayer like this that changed my life forever!
My eyes began to open to all the times in my life’s past that God had sent people, situations, and protection, but I was too blind to see it. Oh, Jesus became very real to me! Over the next few months again and again He would send people across my path. These people had no idea what I had been praying privately, but He put them in my path to guide me to the love of Jesus Christ. Soon after I began to pray, He sent a Christian into my life and that person invited me to his church. It was there that I received the greatest gift anyone could ever give….Salvation! Since then I have dedicated my life to helping people just like you find the very person we are all truly searching for. Speaking from experience I can say, it’s true that we often try everything else and yet still come up empty. You might be thinking, could it really be that simple? If you’re seeking truth, the answer is yes!
Jesus really lived, He really died and He really rose again, so that you could have something so much better than religion. You can have a life changing relationshipo with Him!
Take a moment and pray with all your heart, and ask Jesus to forgive you and your sins and set your feet on the path to an amazing life with Him. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
Blessings: Cole