Mahatma Gandhi once said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” And with those words, uttered more than six decades ago, Gandhi shared the sentiment of most non-believers toward Christianity. In short, the problem is the gap between what we profess and how we live. The gap between the beautiful grace of Christ and the ugly actions of people who bear His name. The larger the gap, the larger the problem. And most non-believers think the gap is just too big. Jesus would use the word “hypocrite.”
And who can blame them? Gospel presentation without gospel demonstration is just a clanging cymbal. It takes Christ-like love in words and deeds to authenticate our message.
I have a friend who sells “Crocs” shoes. One day a customer was in his store and asked about the “Crocs.” My friend said, “If you buy them, you’ll never want another pair of shoes on your feet.” The customer then looked down, said, “so why aren’t you wearing them?” and then walked out of the store.
How can Christians answer that rejection? Here’s my two cents…We cannot answer that rejection by trying to win an argument. The unbelieving world will never be drawn to Christ by Christians who simply shout louder. When we proclaim the message of Christ, they will look us over, much like my friend’s customer, and ask, “But do you live the message?” And when we do, they will too.