Be informed. Talk with law enforcement or emergency medical personnel. They will tell you what the score is. If you think the ruckus only happens at night behind two clubs, you are uninformed. The sexual immorality, drunkenness, and lawlessness are incompatible with the teachings of Christ. Maybe this is the reason per capita we lead the nation in divorce and the state in the number of children removed from homes — Google it!
Pray that the 16 proposed changes to “Spring Break” make a difference. Sounds like a lot of change, but law enforcement and medical personnel remain unconvinced. Why? Alcohol volume on the beaches was not addressed.
Pray for the PCB Council and the Bay County Commissioners. And let them know that you are praying for them. I have found them to be very kind and approachable. Most officials I have talked with hear very little from the Christian community in general.
Pray for the business leaders on PCB. Pray they become sensitive to the effect this culture is having on local families. Our guests may experience “Spring Break” one week a year, but our teenagers and young adults experience Spring Break six weeks a year.
Speak truth in love! Leave the mean-spirited, legalistic attitude at home when you speak with area leaders. They will tune you out. The majority of the 176,000 residents of Bay County claim to be followers of Jesus, so where is the moral outcry? When I apply the heart of Jesus to Spring Break on PCB, silence for me is no longer an option.