Sinners are not condemned for what they don’t know about Jesus but for what they do know about God from creation, and willfully suppress and reject (Rom. 1:18-32). If ignorance of Jesus is an excuse at the Judgment (which it isn’t), then an argument could be made that we shouldn’t chance people’s eternal destiny by evangelizing them. But salvation comes, not by ignorance, but by hearing the truth of the gospel (Rom. 10:17). Therefore, God sends His people into all the world with the message of free forgiveness and eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ that we might be right with God and fulfill our life purpose: to glorify Jesus Christ in all things and enjoy God forever.
It is not “God’s job” to forgive anyone or even to give them a chance to be saved. (It’s not God’s job, but it is His promise.) Salvation is not an entitlement. The sovereign Lord owes us sinners nothing but judgment and condemnation in hell under His just wrath forever. Our problem is that God’s holiness sits on us like a feather and, therefore, like mud on a pig, we are too comfortable in our sin. We need to learn that we are all “sinful beyond measure” because God is infinitely holy (Rom. 7:13). The more appropriate question is, “How is it possible that God could save any of us filthy, rebellious sinners at all?” We make God small, forgetting that He sovereignly saves whom He pleases and His hand is not shortened (Is. 59:1). God is the Potter, we are the clay. Has the Potter no right over the clay to make out of the same lump of humanity some for honored use and another for dishonored use (Rom. 9:21)?