I would suggest that you use this time to allow your faith to grow by looking at some facts concerning our Bible. Understand that the Bible was written over a 1500 year period by 40 authors, prominent men of their times and completed approximately 2000 years ago. The Bible is not a scientific book but consider the following that before anyone understood the truth of these statements the bible records:
1. The earth is a sphere. (People used to think is was flat) Isaiah 40:22
2. The number of stars are more than a billion. (It was once held that there was only 1100.) Gen 22:17, 32:12, Jeremiah 33:22
3. Every star is different. (It was once thought that they were all the same.) 1 Corinthians 15:41
4. Light is in motion. (It was believed that light is fixed in place) Job 38:35, 38:19
5. Air has weight. (The thought used to be that air is weightless.) Job 28:25
6. Winds blow in cyclones. (It was believed that winds blow straight.) Ecclesiastes 1:6
7. Blood is the source of life and healing. (Practice used to be to bleed sick people.) Leviticus 17:11
And I could continue with more facts but what is most important is that you should have an idea of what you believe and why you believe it. Life will come at you with many issues and challenging problems but instead of allowing them to push you away from your faith, see it as an opportunity to grow spiritually and in knowledge of your faith by opening your Bible.
Also find comfort to know that many famous scientists were also believers (Newton, Kepler, Pascal, Bacon, Pasteur, Kelvin, Marconi, Maxwell, Carver, Fleming, Hertz, and Von Braun, to name a few).