19 Short Christian Stories You Won't Believe. But true!

A Skeptic’s Surprise
A Skeptic’s Surprise

To My Non-Believing Friends,

Don’t believe Jesus is real?
Neither did I. But what if he is? If Jesus is real, then the Bible is truthful and according to the Bible, there are some serious eternal consequences for accepting or not accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

If you are wrong about Jesus, would you want to know?
Surprisingly, I have asked this question to atheists, and in most cases, even they say “yes.”

Want to know how you can find out one way or the other?
Lee Strobel was an atheist. He finally had enough of his “Bible-thumping friends” and set out to prove once and for all that they were wrong and that Christianity was a myth. And you won’t believe who’s help he enlisted! If you really want to know if Jesus is real, I suggest you do as Lee Strobel did and say his little 6-second prayer. Below is an excerpt from one of his books:

March 7, 2022No comments
“The Tablecloth”

On Dec. 19, 1999 a major rain storm hit Brooklyn, New York. When the newly-assigned pastor went to check on the church, his heart sank. After months of hard work getting the church ready to reopen, he saw that the roof had leaked, causing an area of plaster (about 10 feet by 8 feet) to fall off the front wall of the sanctuary. Not knowing what else to do but postpone the Christmas Eve service, he headed home.

On the way, he passed by a flea market and stopped in. One of the items for sale was a beautiful, hand-crocheted tablecloth with a Cross. It was just the right size to cover up the hole. He bought it and headed back to the church.

By this time it had started to snow. An older woman, trying to catch a bus, missed it. The pastor noticed her dilemma and invited her to wait for the next bus in the warm church.  She gladly accepted and sat in a pew as he began to put up the tablecloth as a wall tapestry.

While finishing the task, he noticed the woman walking down the aisle. Her face was white as a sheet. “Pastor,” she asked, “where did you get that tablecloth?”  He told her. She then asked him to check the lower right corner to see if the initials “EBC” happened to be crocheted into it. They were. The lady was stunned!…she had made this tablecloth over a half century ago in Austria! The lady went on to explain…she and her husband had been well-to-do people in Austria. When the Nazi’s came, she was forced to leave. Her husband was going to follow her the next week to America…but he was captured, sent to prison and she never saw him again.

The pastor offered to give her the tablecloth. She refused saying it should stay in the church. He did however, insist on driving her home. That was the least he could do.

A few days later…what a wonderful service on Christmas Eve. The service was full and as they left, many said they would return on Sunday. An older man, whom the pastor recognized from the neighborhood, continued to sit in one of the pews, gazing at the front of the church. He then approached the pastor and asked about the tablecloth… it was identical to one his wife made years ago in Austria. He then told the pastor a familiar story, how he was to follow his wife to America but…   ….chills went up the pastor’s back!

He then asked the old gent if he would like to take a little ride…he would explain later. “ Yes, that would be fine.”  They drove to Staten Island and to the same house that the pastor had taken the woman a few days earlier. He helped the man climb the flights of stairs to the woman’s appartment, still not explaining anything. They knocked on the door and as it slowly opened, the pastor just stood back and smiled… as he witnessed the greatest reunion and Christmas miracle anyone could have ever imagined!


Submitted as a true story by Rob Reid

March 7, 2022No comments
“If It Weren’t for Us Christians, There’d be a Lot More Christians” excerpt:
Taken from “If It Weren’t For Us Christians” by bobby weaver. You can order a copy from Amazon by clicking on this link. By the way, the book hit Number 10 on Amazon’s Christian best-seller list. Yippie!


If It Weren’t For Us Christians

Chapter Twenty One
Chasing Rabbits and Howard Stern

I vividly recall the Sunday morning in 1998 when I chased my first rabbit. I didn’t know I was chasing rabbits, but evidently I was. And I certainly did not know there was an unspoken rule that we were not supposed to chase rabbits. In case you aren’t familiar, these rabbits aren’t the kind that eat carrots and do Easter. No, these rabbits are actual discussion topics concerning Christianity.

For instance, if your Sunday school class is discussing the Old Testament prophets and someone asks if the class believes Judas Iscariot is in hell, that question could be considered chasing a rabbit. It is a legitimate question but if it is not directly related to the discussion at hand, someone in the class may accuse the person that brought up this subject of chasing a rabbit. In the presence of some people, you could get drawn and quartered for such an offense. Yes, these folks may have been interested in a particular rabbit chasing subject earlier in their Christian journey, but as they matured in Christ, they became less willing to go on the chase.

My rabbit was the Catholic faith. I was chasing it about a year after the “Howard Stem” incident. Oh, I haven’t mentioned that, have I? Yes, I had an argument with Howard on a national radio broadcast that ultimately led to my accepting Christ. What! God used that shock-jock to bring someone to Christ? No way! Way! If you don’t mind, we shall chase the Howard Stem rabbit for a moment or two. Here are the Cliff Notes of my testimony:

I mentioned in an earlier chapter about my risqué newspaper called Beach Bull that Satan and I founded in 1990. My lifestyle as publisher of the Bull was just a snitch on the disgusting side as I spent the next few years divorcing my wife, gambling, getting ripped and in general, just living a life of debauchery.

Then one day in the fall of 1996, I received a phone call from a local radio station. They had bought the syndicated Howard Stem Show and needed a “generic” celebrity to officially welcome him and his show to the local market. I was offered the opportunity, and gladly accepted. I had a secret agenda that you will understand in a few minutes.

As some of you may remember, October of ’96 was a fine time in the life of baseball fans, especially Atlanta Brave fans. The Braves were in the World Series and had traveled to the Big Apple to whip up on the mighty Yankees. Atlanta dominated in the first two games of the series, 12 to and 4 to 0. And I know some of you guys won’t believe this, but Yankee fans don’t take it lightly when a team, especially a Southern team, comes to town and puts a hurtin’ on their boys! We’re talking booing, hissing, throwing cups and even tossing an occasional hamburger… of course, if you’ve ever attempted to eat a burger at Yankee stadium, you will understand that pitching them onto the field is completely justifiable. I’ve eaten tastier hockey pucks. But back to the fan behavior, I found it to be a bit on the rude side.

Fast-forward to the big day, the Howard Stem Show in all his glory was coming to the Florida Panhandle…and I was laying in wait. The media were all there including the local newspaper and various affiliated radio stations. The big moment arrived and the local announcer proclaimed: “And now ladies and gentlemen, we cut live to New York City and the world-famous Howard Stem Show!

Time out while I give you some background. Since this incident happened many years ago, I decided to go down to the local library and look up on microfilm the newspaper article that appeared in our local paper concerning the Stem incident. Since my memory of the event and the newspaper article differed somewhat, in the interest of accuracy, I will report what happened according to the printed article. The story did say however, that much of what was said on-air could not be printed in a family newspaper. Okay, here we go:

When it was my tum at the microphone, instead of welcoming him and his show to the area, I reminded Howard that the Braves were putting a whipping on his Yankees and that I couldn’t decide who was ruder, folks from New York or New Jersey. Well, Howard was quick to respond by saying and I quote: “The rudest person on the planet is your mother who raised you and gave you such a foul mouth.” As I recall, he also directed some other comments at my mother but since they weren’t in the article, I won’t go down that road. But regardless, his comments didn’t bother me one bit until…

The very next morning, as I said before, there was a page 2 article in our local daily newspaper, the News Herald. It had a big picture of me in front of the microphone and the quote from Howard that my mother was the rudest person on the planet for raising me with such a foul mouth. That is the morning that if I had been suicidal, I would have blown my brains out. My Christian mother, who was the absolute sweetest, genteel southern woman to ever draw a breath, was humiliated. Several of her friends were nice enough to bring the article to her attention. It was by far the most embarrassing day of my life… and hers. I sincerely wanted to die, but was too afraid to pull the trigger. In retrospect, I’m glad I didn’t have the guts, because that would have resulted in a free, all expense paid, one-­way ticket to hell, with or without the hand basket.

Enter God into the picture. As you might have guessed, God had been busy behind the scenes orchestrating this entire situation. He knew what it would take to get my attention. He had tried before when he helped me bankrupt Marlenna Fashions, my multi-million dollar apparel business. Unfortunately, I paid him no attention. But when I humiliated my wonderful mother, well, that did it… God had my full and undivided attention.

I remember that morning well. As God would have it, we had recently moved our Beach Bull office from Panama City Beach to downtown Panama City. Our office was now smack dab in the middle of what I referred to as a “nest of Christians.” So I walked into work that day and here were all these folks walking around smiling and laughing. They acted as if they didn’t have a care in the world. And I recall thinking to myself: “I don’t have a clue what these people have, but I want some of it.”

Enter Randy McInvale. I considered Randy the leader of this “nest” of Christians. He explained to me that my life was pretty much going down the toilet because I was running the show. He suggested I give God a shot. Randy began witnessing to me, and about four months later (February 27, 1997) on the back steps of the office complex, I turned the Bobby Weaver Show over to Christ. If it weren’t for Randy McInvale and the Holy Spirit, this boy would still be headed south. I can never thank God enough for sending Randy my way… you talk about changing an eternal destination!

I have always imagined seeing Jesus that morning as he watched Randy lead me in saying the sinner’s prayer. I can just see him wiping his brow and saying to himself: “Wow! This is gonna be a challenge! ” And believe me, if he did say that, he was spot on! I came with more baggage than an over-booked Delta flight. And with my luck, none of it was lost in Atlanta. Now that is a miracle!

Did I mention that a few years back I had divorced my wife? Yes, my Christian wife. Did I mention that a few years back I had broken the hearts of my three young daughters? Yes, and two of those daughters had accepted Christ. Did I mention that I was a major league scumbag? And God took me back in spite of all that. Talk about amazing grace!

Then God got busy. First, he began chipping away at my sins. I’m thinking he-used one of those jackhammers from a road building crew… went through a lot of drill bits no doubt. I’ve managed to hold on to as many sins as I can. After all, they are my babies; I’ve raised them since childhood. But slowly and surely, God is taking them. And in the meantime, guess what! He put my wife and me back together. Yes, Vicki and I gave divorce our best shot… but it just didn’t work out.

I will absolutely never forget the Christmas morning of 2001. I met all four of the girls at my ex-wife’s house to open Christmas presents. I asked that they all gather around and open their gifts simultaneously. I am getting tears in my eyes just typing this stuff. All of a sudden there was a collective gasp from my daughters… they hadn’t seen it coming! It was a wedding invitation that read something to the effect of: “If You Aren’t Too Busy On Or About The 20th Of July of 2002, Your Attendance At Your Parent’s Re-Marriage Ceremony Would Be Greatly Appreciated.” Screams! Hugs! And the most important thing… Jesus was now running the show. It was the most wonderful moment of my life! My girls were absolutely beside themselves. And Vicki? Hey, she got me back… but she was happy in spite of that!

And the story has one more surprising twist. About two years later, I was sitting at home one evening and the phone rings. It was Marlenna, our oldest daughter. She was calling from Orlando where she lived and worked. She simply said, “Hey Dad, I said the prayer tonight.” Being dumb me I asked, “What prayer?” “You know, Dad, the prayer. I accepted Jesus tonight.” After about fifteen minutes of yelling and praising God, the celebration finally started to die down. Then it occurred to me… the trifecta was complete! My entire family was not only reunited but all five of us had accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Like the beer commercial said, “It just don’t get any better than that!”

Now, with my testimony complete it’s time to chase one last rabbit. As I was saying earlier, I remember those early days after accepting Christ. It was an exciting time to study and learn more about Christianity, and I had about a gazillion questions. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize that the more mature Christians already had those same questions… about twenty years earlier. And some of them were in no mood to go over the same stuff again.

In fact, still unknown to her, one of the members of my Sunday school class almost ended my Christian career before it really got started. It seems one day that I was “at it again” as some of my classmates described my constant question-asking habit. And out of the blue, one gal spoke up in a less than friendly tone and said, “Let’s quit chasing rabbits and get on with our study!” It was like slapping me in the face! And although I never told anyone why, I did not return to that Sunday school class for almost three years. But here’s the point of this chapter: I’m afraid there may be some seekers or new Christians out there that might have never returned.

We all go off on tangents now and again. But when a seeker or new Christian goes down that road, I firmly believe we all need to be as tolerant as possible. If we aren’t, it’s like saying: “We all know there’s no such thing as a stupid question… but that’s a stupid question.”

Maybe we should all try to remember that four seemingly innocuous little words like “Let’s quit chasing rabbits” could discourage, if not entirely derail, a person’s walk with Christ… and that’s one train wreck I don’t think any of us want to be responsible for.

March 7, 2022No comments
To Whom It May Concern
Cole Bailey

Cole Bailey, Pastor

Lighthouse Church

It is not by coincidence or chance this letter has found its way into your hands. It has found its way to you so that you can learn a truth that will change your life forever!

Like you, there was a time in my life when I was searching for truth, not what everyone around me said was “good” or right. I was starving for real truth. I had traveled around the world many times over. Along the way I had met very good people with some very good ideas. However, I needed something more than a “good idea.” I needed something that I could confidently base my life on. It had to be something real! Something big enough to settle once and for all in my heart and mind that there was more for me. I had to know “Is there more to life than this?” More than the daily grind, more than getting an education, a career, a family, a retirement. Was there more than simply waiting to die? I had to know! If that sounds like you, I am going to challenge you to do something bold! I am going to challenge you to put this page down and do something most people are afraid to do! Stop right now and simply pray this prayer privately: “God if you’re real, prove it!” Do what you need to do in my life to show me that you are who you say you are. It was a simple prayer like this that changed my life forever!

My eyes began to open to all the times in my life’s past that God had sent people, situations, and protection, but I was too blind to see it. Oh, Jesus became very real to me! Over the next few months again and again He would send people across my path. These people had no idea what I had been praying privately, but He put them in my path to guide me to the love of Jesus Christ. Soon after I began to pray, He sent a Christian into my life and that person invited me to his church. It was there that I received the greatest gift anyone could ever give….Salvation! Since then I have dedicated my life to helping people just like you find the very person we are all truly searching for. Speaking from experience I can say, it’s true that we often try everything else and yet still come up empty. You might be thinking, could it really be that simple? If you’re seeking truth, the answer is yes!

Jesus really lived, He really died and He really rose again, so that you could have something so much better than religion. You can have a life changing relationshipo with Him!

Take a moment and pray with all your heart, and ask Jesus to forgive you and your sins and set your feet on the path to an amazing life with Him. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

Blessings: Cole

April 20, 2019No comments,
The Last Word
Billy Fox

Billy Fox, Pastor

Former Director of Pathways Ministries for The Rescue Mission

My last Word is the message I’ve shared in many ways over nearly 30 years of Rescue Mission ministry. I pray I’ll speak through His Spirit to the Churches.

Matthew 25:31 – 46
“Unto the Least of These”

Imagine, if Jesus’ first coming was to Bay County, FL. I believe he’d spend a great deal of time sitting in the Rescue Mission’s Courtyard just lovin’ on folks he found there. I often tell volunteers to be on the look-out for Jesus. They see Him hungry and feed Him on our serving line, or giving kids school clothes in “..pure undefiled religion” of James 1:27 at Klothes 4 Kids. Maybe it’s just lovin’ on the downcast they encounter. You’ll come face-to-face with Jesus according to vs 40. How does he see me? How will I treat Him?

I Corinthians 13 is known as “The Love Chapter.” However, in the Old King James Version it should be called “The Charity Chapter.” Today, charity means something so different than in those days. We equate it only to giving to the poor or sick. Today, it is finding spare, leftover things we can do without and giving it away. That’s certainly not a bad thing. It’s just not I Cor. 13 defined Love. That charity-love says – irrespective of my resources, I give myself to meet you at the point of your need. It always – protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. In Proverbs 19:17 God promises “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord and he will reward him for what he has done.” The giving is not really for the “needy one” but for us to see Him. I need to trust the Lord. When I encounter Him, disguised as someone in need, I must seek His Spirit living within. He’ll encourage me to become a doer of His word. Don’t worry, God guides us so that we don’t become over doers.

I’m in desperate need to find that opportunity that is bigger than my faith – to find the evil that is greater than my apathy

I learned a long time ago that a man can’t hear that message of hope over the roar of an empty stomach. Christ-like believers can’t look at the hurts in our community, the evil that consumes our world and not be moved to a faith that does good works; that gives – that loves. Non-Christians look at what we do, not what we say. Up and outers are watching how we treat down and outers.

Please don’t misunderstand me. Feeding hungry people doesn’t save you. Only the born again relationship with God, through Jesus does that. It does, however make us “Christ-like”.

Our text says – He’ll divide. Many who practiced “today’s charity” will miss the mark. They just didn’t see Jesus. He says they will defend themselves with “but didn’t we do…?” They’ll miss everlasting life. Not because they didn’t give something, but because they didn’t trust in the saving, resurrected Lord who gave it to us – to give to others.

Sincerely, God’s warehouseman,
Rev. Billy Fox

Brother Fox now consults other like ministries in program & event management, PR, Fundraising and does Overcomes Revival services. Contact – bfox2359@gmail.com

April 20, 2019No comments,
The Cross is NOT Enough
Tom Fuerst

Tom Fuerst, Former Campus Pastor

Fusion / Lynn Haven United Methodist

My story began five years ago when death pierced my soul like a cursed knife; I suffered no physical harm, but I felt mortally wounded nonetheless. Before Dad died, death was an abstraction, something that happens to other people. But I realized when Dad died that none of us can escape death.

None of us can escape it. We cannot hide.

Yet, the beauty of the gospel story is that it calls us from our hiding. The Christian story is not an escapist narrative whereby we ignore the reality of death. Rather, this story calls us “to take up a cross” and embrace death.

For this reason, the gospel story stands in contrast to the stories our world tells…indeed, even the stories our churches tell.

Our world’s great story is driven by death. Doing anything to ignore our own morality, we excessively buy and sell, create and consume, eat and drink. We keep ourselves busy and entertained, all in an effort to deny death…to deny our frailty.

But, unfortunately, churches have done little to counter Death’s grip on us. For many Christians, the story of the gospel ends at the cross. We rightly preach Christ’s cross as that which secures a safe, secure afterlife for us, except much of our gospel story-telling just ends right there, “Jesus died for you.”

So, tell me this: What good is a story that ends in the afterlife if death, itself, is not defeated? What good is a Savior who stays in the grave while death still reigns? If we merely go to heaven after we die, then this world is not set right…it’s just forgotten. And if this world is not set right, then God loses!

Therefore, I make the bold claim here: The Cross of Jesus is not enough! The cross, alone, has never been enough!

The Christian story ends with resurrection for a reason! The resurrection of Jesus says that Death does not win; God wins! The cursed knife of death has been destroyed! Evil and injustice will not merely cease to exist; they will be put right! Justice will prevail in the end, not because there will be an absence of evil, but because evil will be defeated by the resurrection of Jesus and all who believe in Him.

We are not waiting for an afterlife where we get to forget about this life. We are waiting for resurrection…for a defeat of death, itself…for an elimination of its power…for a memory renewed so that all the death that ever was will be swallowed up in life, not forgotten, but set in a better context—in the context of a God who took on human skin, confronted evil, died at the hands of that evil, then resurrected from the grave in defeat of the powers of evil.

Death is no abstraction. It is no philosophical concept. It controls our world. However, the resurrection of Jesus means the grave is not the end of our story, and the resurrection is also no abstraction or philosophical concept.

Five years ago death wrecked me. Since that wreckage, though, resurrection life has taken on a new meaning. Resurrection means there’s more to the Christian story than the cross. In a sense, the cross is not enough. But a cross with a resurrection, that is the greatest story ever told.

April 20, 2019No comments,
A Different Kind of Victory

Luther Stanford, Pastor

Northside Baptist

At least once in their lives every man needs the experience of coaching little league baseball or pee-wee football. It’s an endeavor that will bring you both tears of joy and tears of frustration. Like one day at football practice, when one little 9 year old told me, “Coach, tell them not to tackle me. I’m allergic to grass.” My response, “Maybe you should try basketball.” Or another kid who complained, “Coach, every time the ball is snapped that kid on the other side knocks me down.” My response, “That’s what he’s supposed to do.” Tears of laughter and tears of frustration.

I remember our first pee-wee football victory. The Buccaneers had just started a pee-wee football program and we were not much of a threat. We were playing 3rd and 4th graders against 5th and 6th grade teams. We were so bad that when we would ask a player, “Are you ready to go in?!” They would often reply, “Not really.” We took our lumps those first two seasons. Not only did we not win a game. We didn’t even score. 55-0, 48-0, 52-0, etc. If we held a team to under 40, we considered it a “defensive victory.” It was hard to stay positive, but we kept telling our boys, wait until you get in the 6th grade and we can play an evenly matched game. Keep working hard and things will be different.

That third year, we finally had a legitimate team. They pushed themselves in the pre-season and we were ecstatic to travel to Columbia, Mississippi for our first battle. And a battle it was. There hasn’t been a Super Bowl played to this day with that much heart on the field. Midway through the 4th quarter the score was tied 0-0. You can imagine the eruption of emotion when one of our defensive backs picked off a pass and returned it for a TD! We went on to our first victory ever with a score of 6-0.

We won plenty of other games after that, but none were as sweet as that one. I still have a picture with my son on the sideline after the game, both of us drenched in sweat. Our boys knew their hard work had paid off…they were becoming a football team.

I believe God wants transformation like this to take place in every single church on His ball of dirt. And every time it happens, I believe God must celebrate.

I believe God watches with holy exhilaration every time a church sets it heart to be what God has called them to be: a selfless, love-drenched, Christ-like family.

And when the power of His love overcomes the separation of skin color, ethnicity, and denomination differences, He must feel victory. When the people in the pulpit figure out that the gospel is good news, and begin to teach it that way, He must feel victory. When He sees His people sharing burdens and caring for one another sacrificially and generously, He must feel victory. When a spirit of humility and authenticity settles over a church so that real people with real problems begin to find hope for their hurts, He must feel victory.

My prayer has always been and will always be: God, make us what you want us to be. Amen.

April 20, 2019No comments,