Close To My Heart

Local pastors and others tell us what’s “Close To My Heart”
  • Definition of Faith
    Dr. Wade Rinehart
    Owner of First Choice Physical Therapy
    fāTH/ noun Complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Everyone talks a big game about having faith, but when we are asked to put our faith to the test, it becomes very up close and personal. I had such a moment last spring break while on a mission trip to the Dominican…
  • Two Umbrellas
    Dr. John C. Friedman
    Pastor, Forest Park United Methodist Church
    In his book, What About Tomorrow?, Dr. J. Wallace Hamilton, tells a story about a Baptist minister, Dr. Gordon Torgerson, who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean one summer. Dr. Torgerson noticed a man sitting in a deck chair reading the Bible. He sat down beside…

My Favorite Stories

Local pastors tell us their “Favorite Stories”
  • Thanks, Mother Goose
    F. Nolan Ball, Apostle
    The Rock of Panama City
    In July 1960, Shirley and I and our four children moved to Talladega, Alabama where we had been invited to pastor the small group there who comprised First Assembly of God. We spent six years there, coming to love those people and the little white wooden building on North Court Street very much. Our time ...
  • How Was He to Know?
    Henry Hazard, Pastor
    Heritage Bible Church
    Henry S. served in the Pacific Theater of Operations during World War II with the U.S. Navy. He was part of the crew unloading the USS Mt. Hood, an ammunition ship, when it was struck by a kamikaze plane. In the explosion that followed, Henry sustained severe injuries to his back and legs which ultimately ...

Testimony/God Stories

Local pastors and business men and women tell us their “Testimony/God Stories”
  • Those God Moments
    Virgil Tillman
    Springfield First Baptist Church
    What is your “favorite” hymn, or Bible verse? I attempt to identify my “favorite” verse or hymn, but always end up narrowing the “favorite” down to ten or more. The same is true of those miracles we’ve seen or been a part of during our Christian walk. We look back on those “God moments” when ...
  • How many days have I waited for YOU?
    Alan Graham
    Counts Real Estate Group
    Nobody wants to admit failure. In a society that bases success on position, money, friends, possessions, status….you never think you will end up in the same position as the Prodigal Son. Sittin’ in a pig pen realizing…..I’ve come to the end of myself! I’d really prefer to talk about my athletic conquest, my master’s degree, ...

Difficult Questions Answered

Local pastors and business men and women answer “Difficult Questions”

Last Sermons

Local pastors answer “If this was the very last sermon I would ever preach…”
  • If God is for us, who can be against us?
    Dr. Hayward L. Miller
    Living Word Church
    There is an awesome life giving truth that has changed my life. It is not a new truth, in fact it was expressed to Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, John, Jesus and Paul. It became real to me when I read it the way Paul said it, If God is for ...
  • It’s Friday, But Sunday Is Coming
    Dr. John C. Friedman, Pastor
    Forest Park United Methodist Church
    Scripture: Luke 23:44-46 (It’s Friday,) Mark 16:2-6 (But Sunday Is Coming) Pastor and sociologist, Dr. Tony Campolo, tells about participating in a worship service that remembered those horrible events that led up to…