Last Sermons

God Means It For Good

Rev. Phil Edwards

First Assembly of God

If I were the devil, I’d do everything in my power to prevent people from simply reading the Bible. In so doing, I’d rob them of vital, faith-building knowledge – knowledge of how God does things, and why. If I couldn’t get them to outright worship me instead of God, I’d at least distract them from God’s truth, questioning His wisdom, intentions, and character – if I were the devil. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6 NASB)
One story I’d hide is that of Joseph in Genesis. When he’s 17, his own brothers sell him as a slave. He becomes the perfect slave, and is promoted to “Head Slave!” Then, he’s framed and jailed for something he didn’t do. He becomes the model prisoner, and is soon promoted to “Head Inmate!” His personal relationship with God keeps him adapting to every situation without becoming depressed or bitter. 

With a God-given ability to interpret dreams, and a series of God-ordered events, Joseph is elevated to Prime Minister of Egypt – second only to the King!

Many years later, during a famine, Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt to buy the only grain available. They’re unaware that the man in charge of grain is Joseph. They don’t recognize him, but he does them, and reveals himself in a very emotional moment. Later, he moves his father, his brothers, and all their families to Egypt to live with him.

When his father dies, his brothers fear he’ll repay them for all the wrong they did to him. They beg his forgiveness, but he says, “ ‘As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for goodin order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.  So, therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.’” (Genesis 50:20-21 NASB)

God MEANT it, so Joseph would learn to lead, and to withstand the temptations that come with power and privilege. God MEANT it so Joseph would keep “…many people alive.”

When you’re on your own “Joseph journey,” and wondering why, consider these promises:

“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3 NASB)

“For he has not despised…the afflicted; …but when he cried to Him for help, He heard.” (Psalm 22:24 NASB)

Your journey is meant to take you to Jesus: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NASB)

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes (cuts) it so that it may bear more fruit.” (John 15:1-2 NASB)

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NASB)

April 20, 2019No comments
Now live, you children of God
Rob Woodrum

Rob Woodrum

Eastgate Christian Fellowship

They say he was bald, so that’s how I picture him in my mind. A short, bald and intense man is who the Apostle Paul is in my imagination. He was a man who was passionate about his mission. He was consumed with the mission of reconciling a broken humanity with their Creator.

He lived under the constant threat of punishment or death because of his faith. For him, each time he preached was potentially his last sermon. While in the city of Ancient Corinth, Paul was faced with the daunting challenge of competing with a philosophical culture that prized deep and original ideas presented with great oration. Yet when he came to town, Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:1-2 “… I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. 2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”

I’ve always been struck by that. He knew nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified. That doesn’t mean that if someone asked him what the weather was going to be that day that he’d mumble stupidly “Jesus Christ and him crucified.” I’m sure Paul talked about the weather or what was on sale at the market or any number of things.

It’s just that, when it came to what it was he was sure of and what was shaping his life it was this simple (yet profound) idea that Jesus is the messiah and the messiah died in our place.

I really like that. I like that a LOT. There are a multitude of issues and doctrines that are presented to us as being so important that the very future of the church is dependent on where we stand concerning them. Yet so often these things only serve to divide God’s people further and further from each other, and sometimes further from the center of what is all important.

If this were the last message I could preach, I would say that there are many issues in the world and doctrines in the church about which I have opinions and even convictions concerning. But there is ONE thing I’m solid on where I’m unshakeable in my stand. Jesus is the Christ – he is God incarnate and if we want to know what God is like, really like, we have to look squarely at him.

Looking at him, we can’t help but recall the act for which he is most famous for, his death on a cross. To know what God is like we look at Jesus, and looking at Jesus we see an expression of self-sacrificial love. The teachings, miracles, resurrection, ascension and return are all very important to be sure – they describe life as God intended it and the glorious ending God points us toward. But the cross reveals the character of God like nothing else. Don’t run from religion assuming it is god. Run past religion and into those outstretched arms of grace.

If this were the last thing I could say, I would say boldly: Look to Jesus to know your Creator God. Look to the cross and know that God is not mad at you. He loves you and wants you to live.

Now live, you children of God.

April 20, 2019No comments
The Last Word
Billy Fox

Billy Fox, Pastor

Former Director of Pathways Ministries for The Rescue Mission

My last Word is the message I’ve shared in many ways over nearly 30 years of Rescue Mission ministry. I pray I’ll speak through His Spirit to the Churches.

Matthew 25:31 – 46
“Unto the Least of These”

Imagine, if Jesus’ first coming was to Bay County, FL. I believe he’d spend a great deal of time sitting in the Rescue Mission’s Courtyard just lovin’ on folks he found there. I often tell volunteers to be on the look-out for Jesus. They see Him hungry and feed Him on our serving line, or giving kids school clothes in “..pure undefiled religion” of James 1:27 at Klothes 4 Kids. Maybe it’s just lovin’ on the downcast they encounter. You’ll come face-to-face with Jesus according to vs 40. How does he see me? How will I treat Him?

I Corinthians 13 is known as “The Love Chapter.” However, in the Old King James Version it should be called “The Charity Chapter.” Today, charity means something so different than in those days. We equate it only to giving to the poor or sick. Today, it is finding spare, leftover things we can do without and giving it away. That’s certainly not a bad thing. It’s just not I Cor. 13 defined Love. That charity-love says – irrespective of my resources, I give myself to meet you at the point of your need. It always – protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. In Proverbs 19:17 God promises “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord and he will reward him for what he has done.” The giving is not really for the “needy one” but for us to see Him. I need to trust the Lord. When I encounter Him, disguised as someone in need, I must seek His Spirit living within. He’ll encourage me to become a doer of His word. Don’t worry, God guides us so that we don’t become over doers.

I’m in desperate need to find that opportunity that is bigger than my faith – to find the evil that is greater than my apathy

I learned a long time ago that a man can’t hear that message of hope over the roar of an empty stomach. Christ-like believers can’t look at the hurts in our community, the evil that consumes our world and not be moved to a faith that does good works; that gives – that loves. Non-Christians look at what we do, not what we say. Up and outers are watching how we treat down and outers.

Please don’t misunderstand me. Feeding hungry people doesn’t save you. Only the born again relationship with God, through Jesus does that. It does, however make us “Christ-like”.

Our text says – He’ll divide. Many who practiced “today’s charity” will miss the mark. They just didn’t see Jesus. He says they will defend themselves with “but didn’t we do…?” They’ll miss everlasting life. Not because they didn’t give something, but because they didn’t trust in the saving, resurrected Lord who gave it to us – to give to others.

Sincerely, God’s warehouseman,
Rev. Billy Fox

Brother Fox now consults other like ministries in program & event management, PR, Fundraising and does Overcomes Revival services. Contact –

April 20, 2019No comments,
It’s Friday, But Sunday Is Coming

Dr. John C. Friedman, Pastor

Forest Park United Methodist Church

Scripture: Luke 23:44-46 (It’s Friday,)
Mark 16:2-6 (But Sunday Is Coming)

Pastor and sociologist, Dr. Tony Campolo, tells about participating in a worship service that remembered those horrible events that led up to Jesus’ death on Good Friday. The sermon was preached by a wise, elderly African-American pastor. Tony writes: “For an hour and a half he preached one line over and over again…‘It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Coming’!” He started his sermon real softly by saying, “It was Friday; it was Friday and my Jesus was dead on the tree. But that was Friday, and Sunday’s comin’!” He came on louder as he said, “It was Friday and Mary was cryin’ her eyes out. The disciples were runnin’ in every direction, like sheep without a shepherd, but that was Friday, and Sunday’s comin!”

He picked up the volume and shouted, “It was Friday, but they didn’t know that Sunday’s comin’. It was Friday, and on Friday Pilate thought he had washed his hands of a lot of trouble. The Pharisees were struttin’ around, laughin’ and pokin’ each other in the ribs. But they didn’t know it was only Friday! Sunday’s comin’!”

Tony said, “By the time he had come to the end of the message, he had me and everybody else so worked up that when he yelled at the top of his lungs, `It’s Friday!’ all 500 of us in that church yelled back, ‘But Sunday’s Comin’!’”

“It’s Friday, But Sunday Is Coming” is a message of hope. God is a God of reversals.

As Christians, when death comes, we have hope of the resurrection! At the grave, “It’s Friday, But Sunday Is Coming!”

Repentance means to change, to “reverse direction.” It means a spiritual “U-TURN” in life. Through Jesus, we have the hope that, because of grace, an unsaved person’s future can be reversed to salvation; that bad habits can be reversed to good habits; that defeats and failures can be reversed to victories; that a negative attitude can be reversed to a positive attitude; that anger, hostility, hatred and resentment can be reversed to forgiveness and love; that pride and arrogance can be reversed to humility. “It’s Friday, But Sunday Is Coming!”

Life is good, then suddenly, life breaks open at the seams and everything changes. When the love we have counted on is gone; when someone crucifies our hopes and dreams; when our heart aches, and we do not understand life, we need to remember, “It’s Friday, But Sunday Is Coming!”

In life, we know that from time to time there will be a mournful Monday, a terrible Tuesday, a washed-out Wednesday, a trying Thursday, a fearful Friday, and a sad Saturday. But, on that awful day, whichever day it is, we need to think about the worst day of Jesus’ life, and then with heart and soul and every fiber of our being shout, “It’s Friday, But Sunday Is Coming!”

April 20, 2019No comments
The Cross is NOT Enough
Tom Fuerst

Tom Fuerst, Former Campus Pastor

Fusion / Lynn Haven United Methodist

My story began five years ago when death pierced my soul like a cursed knife; I suffered no physical harm, but I felt mortally wounded nonetheless. Before Dad died, death was an abstraction, something that happens to other people. But I realized when Dad died that none of us can escape death.

None of us can escape it. We cannot hide.

Yet, the beauty of the gospel story is that it calls us from our hiding. The Christian story is not an escapist narrative whereby we ignore the reality of death. Rather, this story calls us “to take up a cross” and embrace death.

For this reason, the gospel story stands in contrast to the stories our world tells…indeed, even the stories our churches tell.

Our world’s great story is driven by death. Doing anything to ignore our own morality, we excessively buy and sell, create and consume, eat and drink. We keep ourselves busy and entertained, all in an effort to deny death…to deny our frailty.

But, unfortunately, churches have done little to counter Death’s grip on us. For many Christians, the story of the gospel ends at the cross. We rightly preach Christ’s cross as that which secures a safe, secure afterlife for us, except much of our gospel story-telling just ends right there, “Jesus died for you.”

So, tell me this: What good is a story that ends in the afterlife if death, itself, is not defeated? What good is a Savior who stays in the grave while death still reigns? If we merely go to heaven after we die, then this world is not set right…it’s just forgotten. And if this world is not set right, then God loses!

Therefore, I make the bold claim here: The Cross of Jesus is not enough! The cross, alone, has never been enough!

The Christian story ends with resurrection for a reason! The resurrection of Jesus says that Death does not win; God wins! The cursed knife of death has been destroyed! Evil and injustice will not merely cease to exist; they will be put right! Justice will prevail in the end, not because there will be an absence of evil, but because evil will be defeated by the resurrection of Jesus and all who believe in Him.

We are not waiting for an afterlife where we get to forget about this life. We are waiting for resurrection…for a defeat of death, itself…for an elimination of its power…for a memory renewed so that all the death that ever was will be swallowed up in life, not forgotten, but set in a better context—in the context of a God who took on human skin, confronted evil, died at the hands of that evil, then resurrected from the grave in defeat of the powers of evil.

Death is no abstraction. It is no philosophical concept. It controls our world. However, the resurrection of Jesus means the grave is not the end of our story, and the resurrection is also no abstraction or philosophical concept.

Five years ago death wrecked me. Since that wreckage, though, resurrection life has taken on a new meaning. Resurrection means there’s more to the Christian story than the cross. In a sense, the cross is not enough. But a cross with a resurrection, that is the greatest story ever told.

April 20, 2019No comments,
Grace and the Ten Commandments
gay_robert (1)

Robert Gay, Pastor

High Praise Worship Center

Several years ago, the Lord began to speak to my heart concerning Grace and the Ten Commandments. I must admit regrettably that I had never focused much attention on these commandments. To be transparent with you, they just seemed a little boring and non-exciting. After all, who wants to spend their time ministering a message of “don’t do this” and “don’t do that?”

Think about this: God could have commanded His people anything that He so desired. However, there were only ten specific directives that God gave to His people on the tablets of stone that He originally transcribed. It seems to me that if God would take time to engrave these edicts on tablets of stone, then we should place great importance upon them. If these were the ten most important things that God wanted His people to understand, then we certainly should hold them in high esteem.

I believe that in every one of these important commands we can see the heart of the Father God. Every one of them is an expression of His heart and love for us. None of them are meant to make our lives difficult. They are there to keep us from difficulty. For instance; remaining faithful to your spouse does not make your life difficult, it keeps you from difficulty and disaster.

Unfortunately, there are some people who have used the word “grace” to disavow the Ten Commandments. Some have said that these ten directives from the Lord are no longer relevant for those who are in the New Covenant. Some have gone so far as to say that the preaching and teaching of the Ten Commandments is bondage.

The reality is that Grace and the Ten Commandments are not antagonistic or at odds with each other. They are actually in perfect agreement. Jesus taught the Ten Commandments. Paul rearticulated the Ten Commandments. Jesus told the rich young ruler that these commandments needed to be obeyed in order to experience the life of God. Jesus went on to raise the standard for every commandment. So, Grace does not nullify the commandments, it takes them to the next level!

Grace is probably one of the most misunderstood and misused words in the church today. Some believers have used the word “grace” to excuse all types of sinful behavior. This is not the proper understanding or application of the word “grace.” Grace does not mean it is ok to practice a lifestyle of sin.

Grace defined means the divine influence upon the heart that is reflected in the life. It is the grace of God that empowers us to live holy lives. Grace enables us to obey. Grace gives us the ability to do what is right when faced with temptation to do wrong. Grace empowers us to keep God’s commandments and see them fulfilled within our lives. I encourage you to obey God’s commandments as you allow His grace to work in your life.

In Deuteronomy 28, God told His people that if they would walk in obedience His blessing would overtake them. Understand that blessing is always on the other side of obedience. God’s desire for you is to experience His abundant life. Obey Him and you will see it happen. Let Him take you to the Next Level!

April 20, 2019No comments
His name is Jesus

Jack Hankins, Pastor

Emmaus United Methodist Church

What an opportunity to share “My Last Sermon” with you at this time! We all know that God works in mysterious ways and sometimes He surprises us by appearing in places we would never expect Him to. Maybe this is one of those times! I know that when I have encountered God whether I was expecting it or not, I have always been the better for the meeting. You see before I even knew much of God, I already knew that He was good. I was just a young child and this kind neighbor lady was just the best next-door neighbor one could have. She could cook, she always had good candy in the candy dish and she was a good nurse to our injury-prone family! Sometimes she would invite some of us kids to church and they just loved us at that place. It made me wonder what was in their candy dishes! I guess it just soaked into my bones when I was young back then, this neighbor had God in her heart although she never really told me, I just knew it. There were many people like this lady at her church and they all had God in common—He had to be good!

Many years later I came across a verse that says “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11. This made me think of my good neighbor some 40 years ago. She planted a seed in my heart and life that continues to grow many years later. I will never even know if she is aware of it. If I could do that for someone, what would I say? What could I share on this page that would make such a lasting difference in a persons’ life? My mind is drawn to the Christmas Story where Joseph, Mary and the Shepherds first heard the good news. The angels said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” I want you to know the GOOD NEWS! I want you to know that there is a person who loves you unconditionally; there is a person who desires to give you meaning and purpose in life. This person knew you when you were formed in your mothers’ womb and He has plans for your life! He is concerned with your future and can heal your past regrets. He understands brokenness because He has been broken. You can’t earn this priceless gift so He chooses to give it to you at His great expense!

His name is Jesus!

April 20, 2019No comments
Grace for the Race
Johnny Hunt

Dr. Johnny Hunt

Woodstock Church/PCB

Hebrews 12 is referred to as the “Race of Life.” It reminds me of the fact that there was a day in my life that the race began (salvation) and today the race continues (sanctification), and one day this race will end (glorification). John Newton penned this in the 1700’s:

“Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound.
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind but now I see.
Thru many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come; (Our Past)
‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, (Our Present)
And grace will lead me home.” (Our Future)

The arena portrayed in Hebrews 12 makes reference to the grandstands, “surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.” These witnesses are not spectators but rather those who participated in the same race years before. Grace makes you strong. It is the ability or power to obey. Ephesians 6:10 says, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”

To run the race, we must recognize burdensome weights or encumbrances. It may be something that is fine for someone else to do, but for us it takes the edge off our spiritual lives. Weights cut away our hunger to know God better or take away our desire to be obedient to the will of God. Remember God never removes anything from our lives unless He gives us something better to replace our loss.

We must recognize “sin which so easily ensnares us.” It can be described by a vine that climbs a tree and entangles itself around the tree. Sin keeps us from moving forward in the race. We deal with sin by confessing them to the Lord by bringing it up to God and yielding it up to Him. 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

When we cast off weights and acknowledge sin, we can run with “patience” or “endurance.” We are to finish the race; to reach the goal set before us. There is a God-given potential in the race for each of us; based on our calling, giftedness, enablement, etc. We have to set our sights on our goal and run with enthusiasm and excitement. “Race” reminds me of commitment, effort, preparation, dress, agony, and desire to finish well. If I am going to go the distance then there must be a commitment to the challenge and sometimes chastening in the challenge or discipline.

Our example is Jesus Christ. He is the pattern for our lives and gives the proper perspective on life. He leads the procession as author and perfecter of faith. When you are faced with pressures, opposition from family or friends, weariness from service; consider Him. Verse 3 says, “Don’t become “weary” and “discouraged” in your souls. We must be continually reminded that we are His children. Exhortation believes the best and senses the Lord uses the experiences of life, even the difficult, to educate and discipline us for greater service. Knowing and believing is one side of the coin; living and obeying is the other. The purpose of “Grace for the Race” is not to teach truth only, but to encourage living up to the truth.

April 20, 2019No comments
Read Psalm 90:12; Ezekiel 33:2
Donnie Jackson

Donnie Jackson, Pastor

Springfield Community Church

A famous preacher said that he always wanted to preach as if he knew that he was dying and preaching as if he was preaching to a dying crowd. We never know when we will be called to face the Lord. We need to stay prepared as if we are going to die the next moment…and work like we have a long time to live. I dreamed I had to face the ancient of times and it is not a very comforting thought. No matter, we still have to face God. We read in Hebrews 9:27 “And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” I think this is the way we should live every day. The Psalmist tells us to number our days.

But what would I say if this was my last sermon? I have given this a lot of thought and I think maybe the following is the way I would preach:

The first thing I would do is talk to my family. And since you are all my family, I think I should assure you that I am ready to go if God calls me home. I remember the time and I can take you to the place where I surrendered my life to Him. It was the first Sunday in September of 1963. I have made many mistakes but God has always been there to pick me up when I fell. Many leave their loved ones wondering if they will ever see them again. I would like to say a special thanks to my mother and dad for showing me the way. I remember how our former pastor, that has already gone home, told me how I should live. He told me what John 6:37 said. “… him that cometh to me I will no wise cast out.”

The next thing I would talk about is my new home. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:8, “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” Jesus said He is going to prepare a place for me. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 are the most precious words to the Christian.

The last thing I would do is tell everyone that is reading this today that Jesus came to save you. Luke 19:10 says, “For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” I would tell you that God loved you so much that He gave His only Son and His Son was willing to die for you and me. I would tell you that there is nothing like the love of Jesus. I would tell you that Jesus paid the full price for your sins on the cross. (John 19:30, “It is finished.” The Greek translation means “Paid in full”).

We are not guaranteed another minute, let alone today. Today is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2 says, “For He saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succored thee; behold now is the day of salvation.”

I might not have another chance to preach to you. If you don’t know Him, why not come to Him now while there is still breath in your body? Ecclesiastes 11:3 says, “…if the tree fall to the south, or the north, where the tree falleth, there it shall be.” I say it this way, “As the tree falleth, so shall it be.” There will be no time to get saved after you are looking in the face of God that is demanding judgment.

This might be the only chance I have to preach to you. I challenge you to search your heart and prepare just in case this is the last opportunity you have to seek the Lord.

God loves you….Pastor Donnie Jackson

April 20, 2019No comments
Won’t you please put your faith and trust in Him today?

Steven Kyle, Pastor

Hiland Park Baptist Church

Strive to enter through the narrow gate,
for many, I say to you,
will seek to enter and will not be able. 

Luke 13:24

This verse tells us there is only one door to heaven…and it is narrow. These words of Jesus are not politically correct in our age of religious pluralism. If Jesus came to America preaching this message today, He would be labeled a radical and would probably be arrested. In fact, that’s exactly why the Jews arrested Him and executed Him 2,000 years ago. To say there is only one way to heaven is an unpopular stance today. Most people think there are many ways to get to heaven.

Once a man told me getting to heaven was like flying from Little Rock to Dallas. I could fly American Airlines, and he could fly Delta, and somebody else could fly Northwest or Southwest airlines, but we’d all get to the same destination. Doesn’t that sound logical? I told him that sounded logical, but when you get on an airplane, you could never be 100% certain it would arrive at the intended destination; it could be diverted by weather, hijacked, have mechanical problems, or even crash. I told him I am booked to fly on Jesus Airlines and it’s the only one in the universe with a 100% on time arrival record!

Most Americans believe it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are “sincere.” Well, radical Muslim suicide bombers are sincere in their beliefs, and they are wrong. You can be sincere–and be sincerely wrong.

For Jesus (or any of us) to insist there is just one way to heaven seems too narrow-minded in this age of enlightenment. But look at His words again in verse 24. He didn’t speak of different doors, or different airplanes. He didn’t say, “enter through one of the narrow doors.” He spoke of THE narrow door.

Other scriptures confirm there is only one way to heaven. Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). Now, let me misquote this verse the way most folks believe. Jesus said, “I am one of the ways, part of the truth, and one kind of life. No one comes to the Father unless they are religious and good and kind and sincere in whatever it is they believe.” Jesus didn’t say He was ONE of the ways or even the BEST way; He said He was the ONLY way.

The people in this passage were at the door; they were even knocking on the door. Almost getting into the door won’t get you into heaven. When it comes to your eternal salvation there is only one door…Jesus Christ! Acts 4:12 tells us, “…there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Won’t you please put your faith and trust in Him today?

April 20, 2019No comments